
Who Pays Child Support in a Joint Allocation (Custody) Agreement?

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Who Pays Child Support in a Joint Allocation (Custody) Agreement?

Divorce is difficult for all parties, especially when children are involved. One of the most challenging decisions that need to be made during divorce proceedings is determining how child custody will be shared and who pays child support. These decisions can be complex, and it’s essential to work with experienced family law attorneys who can provide guidance and support. In this blog, we will discuss who pays child support in a joint allocation (custody) agreement in Illinois and what factors are considered when determining child support payments.

Factors Determining Child Support Payments in Illinois

When it comes to child support, many parents wonder who pays when they have a joint custody agreement. In Illinois, child support is calculated based on several factors, including each parent’s net income and the amount of time each parent spends with the child. Even in a joint custody agreement, one parent is usually designated the primary residential parent for the purposes of child support calculations. This means that the parent who spends the most amount of time with the child will typically receive child support payments from the other parent.

While income and parenting time are the primary factors in determining child support payments, other factors can also be considered. For example, if one parent has a higher income than the other, they may be required to pay a larger amount of child support. Additionally, the court may consider the child’s needs, including education and healthcare expenses, when determining child support payments.

The Purpose of Child Support

It’s important to note that child support is not just for everyday expenses like food and clothing. Child support can also cover extracurricular activities, healthcare expenses, and other costs associated with raising a child. Parents must understand that child support is a legal obligation, and failing to make payments can result in legal consequences.

The Role of the Court in Determining Child Support

Under Illinois law, the court can issue an order for child support payments. This means that even if parents agree on a child support amount, they must still receive a written court order in order for it to be enforced. The court will also have the final say when it comes to making any changes or modifications to a child support agreement in the future.

In some cases, parents may agree to deviate from the court’s child support calculation guidelines. This can happen when the parents have a unique situation that is not covered by the standard guidelines. In these cases, the parents must work together to come up with a fair and reasonable child support arrangement that takes all factors into consideration.

Contact An Experienced Child Support Attorney for Guidance

When it comes to joint custody agreements, determining child support payments can be a complicated process. It’s important to work with experienced family law attorneys who can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that your rights and interests are protected. At Andrea Heckman Law, we have many years of experience in divorce and family law matters, and we are dedicated to assisting our clients through complex divorce-related issues like child custody and support. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and get the help you need.

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