
Child Custody Attorney Rolling Meadows

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Child Custody Attorney Rolling Meadows

Whether you have one child or several, child custody matters are undeniably stressful. Reaching an agreement that benefits both you, your spouse, and your children may seem impossible. However, you don’t want your child custody orders to be written by a judge who isn’t familiar with your family. When you hire a seasoned child custody attorney in Rolling Meadows, they can help you identify all possible options and solutions in your custody case. They can also negotiate a settlement with your child’s other parent or stand up for your rights in court. 

Are Mothers More Like to Get Custody?

Illinois law no longer allows family courts to consider gender when determining the best custody arrangements for children. The law recognizes that a child’s father can be just as good as a parent as the mother. Instead of simply considering gender, family courts look at several factors, including:

  • The desires of the parents
  • The wishes of the children
  • The physical and mental health of each parent
  • The relationship between each parent and the child
  • Each parent’s living accommodation and ability to provide for the child
  • The current majority caregiver
  • Any allegations or proven cases of abuse and neglect
  • The adjustment that will be required of the child
  • The willingness of the parents to work with each other

Even when considering all of these factors, it’s the primary job of the child custody judge to put the best interests of the child above all else. If something isn’t in the child’s best interests, the court won’t approve it. Your Rolling Meadows child custody lawyer can assist you in proving your case to get custody of your children, including how it’s in your child’s best interests.

Parenting Responsibilities and Parenting Time

Child custody is generally divided into two categories:

Parental responsibilities or legal custody—refers to the parent who will be making significant decisions in the child’s life, including decisions about religion, medical care, and education. One parent can be granted parental responsibilities, or the court may grant it to both parents but make one the primary authority.

Parenting time or custody and visitation—refers to which parent the child will live with and arrangements for seeing or staying with the other parent. In many cases, one parent is granted custody, and the other parent gets regular visitation. The visitation schedule should include plans for weekends, holidays, birthdays, and summer vacations.  

Your child custody attorney in Rolling Meadows can help explain the various types of custody and what your options might be. Custody is often a contentious issue in divorce, and an attorney can help with negotiations or represent you in court.

Rolling Meadows Child Custody Lawyer

If you have children and are considering a divorce, the best thing you can do if you have children and are considering a divorce is to engage a child custody attorney in Rolling Meadows who is an experienced and skilled negotiator with a strong track record of working out amicable parenting agreements between the parties. At Andrea Heckman Law, you can count on knowledgeable, caring legal representation and sound advice from our child custody lawyers. Contact us today for a child custody consultation.

Contact our office to arrange for a free initial consultation and review of your case.


Andrea Heckman

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Please contact our law office in Rolling Meadows for legal assistance with divorce, child custody, or visitation issues. We serve clients in the Chicago metropolitan area who need the help of an experienced and dedicated family law attorney.

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